Everyone loves a Christmas Tree! But if you're like me, the guilty feeling of knowing all those perfect, beautiful trees are being cut down and eventually thrown away takes a little of the fun away. You could always consider a live tree-although typically a bit more expensive, the benefits are big. In some cities, like Portland, San Francisco, and others, there are services who will deliver your live tree, then pick it up after the holidays and plant it for you in a local park or community space. But anyone can get a live tree, and donate it or plant it themselves. There are some great tips and guidelines here at LivingCristmasTrees.org.

One more good tip for "recycling": at places like Lowes, where they trim off the bottom branches of trees for customers, there are bins with the leftover cuttings. This is a great way to get FREE! greens to use in your decorating, for wreaths, or on your mantel, or anything else.

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