So, living where I do, it's at least a 5 hour drive to the nearest Ikea. But there is a new store opening in Charlotte (which is still a pretty good haul, but oh well), and next month I'm making the trip! I'm starting to make a list of things I need to look for, so I don't miss anything. I am planning on getting rid of my hideous, dirty carpet and putting down floors, and they have some really awesome ones . My pick is below (Tundra), as is my choice for NEW COUNTERS (Pragel, in stone effect black)!!!! The new year is bringing with it a new zeal for home projects- it's been a long time! My little house is definitely in need of some shiny newness.
By the way, I did paint my kitchen this weekend, but it's been so cloudy I can't get a good photo- I promise I'll post before and afters soon!

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