A couple easy and inexpensive diy ideas for hanging photos:

I like the idea of hanging photos from a wire, like on the left in this photo. ( Ignore the arrows, I can't remember what those are supposed to be pointing to...) This is a great diy idea- I'm thinking of doing this in 2 or 3 rows, and using binder clips to hold the photos. (ps, love that bench at the foot of the bed!)

This is a really simple idea as well- Those are pants/skirt hangers! I just saw packs of these at Target in the $1-2 area by the front door...I think I may have to get a few. I received a beautiful art poster for Christmas that is an odd size, and a custom frame just isn't in the budget these days, so I'm thinking of putting something weighted at the bottom and using one of these hangers at the top, at least for a temporary solution! I'll post pictures when I get around to that:) Things have been busy busy lately!!!
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